
Fire Breaks Out at Hotel Royal Chiao Hsi 礁溪老爺酒店昨晚傳火警 3名房客嗆傷

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Over 500 hotel guests and employees were evacuated on the 9th after a kitchen fire broke out at Hotel Royal Chiao Hsi in Yilan County. Three of them suffered minor smoke inhalation, with no serious casualties reported. The luxury hotel said it would be closed for three days and provide compensation to those affected.

Firefighters make their way into the basement kitchen of this hotel restaurant to locate the source of the fire. The fire broke out at 7 p.m. on the 9th at Yilan's Hotel Royal Chiao Hsi. The hotel evacuated over 400 guests, and no one was hurt.

Hotel Guest: “(When the fire alarm) went off, I was in the middle of undressing. I put my clothes back on and rushed outside with my bare feet.”

Hotel Guest: “Hotel workers told us about the fire and told us to get outside.”

Authorities believe the fire started on the stove and made its way into the exhaust pipe. An area of 20 square meters sustained damage, and three people were treated at nearby hospitals for smoke inhalation. The hotel says there were 438 guests and diners in the hotel at the time and no one will be charged for the night's expenses. The guests and diners may also receive compensation.

Chu Chih-pei, Fire Investigator: “(No sprinklers) were going off when we arrived. We will be contacting the company that manages their fire safety facilities to find out why. The fire suppression foam did go off. We took pictures of that.”

Hu Ya-ting, Hotel Royal Chiao Hsi Spokesperson: “(The sprinkler system didn't go off. How do you explain that?) We won't be able to answer that until we get the reports back. ”

The hotel says fire safety facilities are inspected every six months and the most recent inspection took place in mid-February, and it doesn't know right now why the sprinkler system didn't go off. As the hotel's occupancy rate is over 80 percent these few days, losses will likely be significant. The hotel will be closed for three days and guests with reservations can choose to change their date or cancel for a refund.













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