
Organized Crime Becomes By-election Hot Topic 王鴻薇再批吳怡農 要求正面解決黃承國

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The issue of organized crime has become a hot topic in the legislative by-election for Taipei's third constituency. KMT candidate Wang Hung-wei called on DPP candidate Enoch Wu to address the issue of Huang Cheng-kuo, a senior DPP official with links to organized crime. In response, Wu criticized Wang for her smear tactics and proclaimed his commitment to a clean election.

Wang Hung-wei, the KMT's candidate in the legislative by-election for Taipei's third constituency, visited a temple and market on the morning of Dec. 6. She also spoke about her opponent Enoch Wu of the DPP and his connections to organized crime, saying Wu needs to resolve the Huang Cheng-kuo issue. Huang is a senior DPP official with links to organized crime. Wang also criticized the DPP for attempting to amend the Civil Servants Election and Recall Act at this moment to prevent candidates with ties to dirty money, firearms, and drugs from running, saying the party is just trying to divert attention from the issues at hand.

Wang Hung-wei, Legislative By-election Candidate (KMT): “(The DPP caucus) waited until now to try and amend the law. Are they trying to divert attention from their election loss and their links to organized crime?”

Meanwhile, Wu launched some campaign visuals that proclaimed his commitment to "change." Several city councilors were on hand to show support. Wang previously indicated that organized crime has infiltrated the upper echelons of the DPP. Wu said he cannot stop his opponent from using smear tactics, but he insists on running a fair and clean campaign.

Enoch Wu, Legislative By-election Candidate (DPP): “I have no way of preventing my opponent from smearing, attacking, or throwing dirt. What we can control is how we insist on being the best version of ourselves to have a clear conscience when faced with such enormous difficulties and challenges.”

On Dec. 5, Huang asked the DPP's central committee to establish an investigatory task force in an attempt to stop the issue from affecting the by-election outcome. He said he would cooperate with the investigation and refrain from attending committee meetings while the investigation is ongoing. Wu said Huang is willing to submit himself to public scrutiny, and he hopes the KMT will do so as well.








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