
Thanksgiving Air Travel Expected to Hit Highest Level in 3 Years 美迎接感恩節假期 航空旅客數達3年來最高

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U.S. airlines and airports are preparing for a surge in passengers over the Thanksgiving holiday, with the number of travelers expected to hit the highest level in three years. 

Nearly 55 million Americans will take to the roads, skies and rails for the holiday, with air travel recovering to about 99 percent of the 2019 levels before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to travel group AAA. Americans are eager to travel more as the impact of the pandemic eases. However, staffing and aircraft shortages have capped the airline industry's ability to ramp up capacity, resulting in fewer seats and higher fares for travelers. United Airlines expects to carry more than 5.5 million passengers while Delta expects to fly close to 6 million customers this Thanksgiving holiday. Meanwhile, more than 1.4 million travelers are going out of town for Thanksgiving by bus, train or cruise ship.


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