
Crew Chief Sustained Burns to 95% of Body S-70C重摔4傷.機工長95%燒燙傷 全力救治

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A Navy S-70C anti-submarine helicopter made a hard landing at Zuoying Naval Base on June 22, and all four crew members on board sustained injuries. The most seriously injured was the crew chief, who suffered burns to 95 percent of his body and is currently in an ICU. The military has formed an investigatory task force to determine the cause of the accident.

The S-70C anti-submarine helicopter that made a hard landing at Zuoying Naval Base on June 22 was still at the site where it crashed, although it was now covered by a tarp and surrounded by a blockade line. A military investigatory task force began investigating on June 23.

Resident: “I heard a loud noise, and I didn't where it came from. I heard a loud noise while I was at home.”

Resident: “I thought a fire had occurred, so I wondered why there were no fire trucks. ”

On the afternoon of June 22, the helicopter was conducting training at the Naval Antisubmarine Aviation Group's base when it suddenly dropped and made a hard landing within the base. Dense smoke poured out, which was noticed by nearby residents. There were four crew members on board, and all sustained injuries. The pilot and co-pilot's vital signs are stable after receiving treatment. The crew chief sustained the most serious injuries, with second to third degree burns on 95 percent of his body. The military asked doctors specializing in burns and cardiologists to come to Kaohsiung to assist in the treatment of the crew chief.

Colonel Chen Yuan-hao, Section Director, Medical Affairs Bureau, MND: “The crew chief sustained second to third degree burns to 95 percent of his body and has subarachnoid hemorrhage. Debridement and treatment with antibiotics have already been carried out.”

The Ministry of National Defense said it will provide the best critical care to the patients. It also set up an investigatory task force to determine the reason for the accident. One possibility is that the tail rotor suddenly lost effectiveness. However, there was no mention of mechanical failure in the communication records.










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