
Cases Among Young People on the Rise 20到39歲年輕人確診率 一週內升到42%

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The epidemic situation in Taiwan is slowly stabilizing. However, experts say it's still worrying that young people, who have a more active lifestyle, now account for 42 percent of all cases, compared to just 15 percent in May.

The epidemic situation is slowly stabilizing, but numerous cases of household cluster infections have emerged. Moreover, many confirmed cases are young people, including department stores, cinemas, and gym employees. People aged 20 to 39 now account for 42 percent of all cases, compared to just 15 percent in May.

Lee Ping-ing, Member, Specialist Advisory Panel, CECC:" If the number of cases among young people is rising, then we can expect the number of severe cases and deaths to decrease. Young people of course are more active, and their ability to transmit the virus is also stronger. This is something that we should worry about."

Doctors say the majority of young people who get infected have mild cases. They may bring the virus back home to family members. Senior citizens and children are high-risk groups. The Central Epidemic Command Center says it has already asked local governments to target young people in prevention and cure. For example, they can encourage people with symptoms to seek medical treatment and get tested. The CECC also intends to speed up vaccination and open it up to more age groups. Those aged between 12 and 18 will be targets for the BioNTech vaccine.

Voice of Huang Li-min, Honorary Chair, Infectious Diseases Society of Taiwan:" (BNT) has already completed clinical trials in the US, and a group of people aged 12 to 18 has already been vaccinated. There have been no issues with safety or antibody production. The results are about the same as with adults. They're probably using this information to apply to come here for the vaccination of those at least 12 years of age."

Meanwhile, Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corporation's vaccine has already been granted emergency use authorization and it will be allowed to manufacture them. The CECC will convene a meeting of experts to determine the targets of the vaccine and to decide whether to allow vaccine mixing. If everything proceeds smoothly, Medigen's vaccine could show up as one of the options on the government's vaccine reservation platform.





中央流行疫情指揮中心專家諮詢小組委員 李秉穎表示:「年輕人增加的話,我們可以預期,他的重症死亡的比率會降低。當然那個年輕人活動力強,他傳染病毒的能力,會比較強一點,這個是值得憂慮的地方。」


台灣感染症醫學會名譽理事長 黃立民表示:「它(BNT)在美國已經做完臨床試驗,它在12到18歲已經打了一批人,而且確定它的安全性,跟抗體產生都沒問題,跟成年人差不多。那它大概就利用這些資料,來國內申請說,它在台灣也要擴增到12歲。」



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