US, Taiwan to Hold Trade Talks on Nov. 20|台美經濟對話 吳釗燮:有信心建立對話機制

Now that the U.S. presidential election is over, the focus in Taiwan has shifted to how the U.S. policy towards Taiwan will change. Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Wu said he is optimistic and talks on economic cooperation will take place on Nov. 20.
Democratic Party candidate Joe Biden won the 2020 U.S. presidential election. In Taiwan, there are concerns that the U.S. policy towards Taiwan may change and economic cooperation talks may be affected. Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Wu said the U.S.-Taiwan dialogue mechanism won't be affected by the U.S. election result, and the two sides will hold the first meeting on strategic economic cooperation on Nov. 20. Deputy Economic Affairs Minister C.C. Chen will head the delegation that will travel to Washington to meet with the U.S. State Department. Economic Affairs Minister Wang Mei-hua will speak with U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment Keith Krach via videoconferencing from Taipei. The talks will focus on the 5G Clean Network initiative and supply chains. Wu says a dialogue mechanism may be established during these talks, paving the way for an MOU.
On the 20th of this month, our delegation will meet a team from the U.S. Department of State in Washington for a dialogue.
Let me boldly ask, what kind of things will we sign after this dialogue on the 20th? I am hoping for an MOU, to sign an MOU. If we sign an MOU, then it will become fixed. You mean a fixed MOU between the two governments?
Kuomintang legislators said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should set specific diplomatic goals for dealings with Biden's team. Georgia's Senate races have entered runoffs taking place in January because no candidate broke 50 percent, and these races will determine which party controls the Senate.
Do you think there will be any changes in Congress? The original estimate was that the Republican Party could probably continue to hold a majority in the Senate, but the vote counting continues.
Meanwhile, the World Health Assembly is taking place. Some Taiwanese netizens discovered that comments referencing "Taiwan" on livestreams posted on the World Health Organization's Facebook were hidden, and they decided to flood the page with comments supporting Taiwan using Chinese and emojis.
We are so discontent and disappointed. We have filed a protest with the World Health Organization.
MOFA said it has filed a protest with the WHO.
外交部長 吳釗燮表示:「本月的二十號,我們的代表團,就會在華府,跟國務院所率領的團隊,來進行密切的諮商。」
民進黨立委 王定宇 vs. 外交部長 吳釗燮表示:「(大膽問一下,這次20號對話,結束之後,我們會簽署什麼東西嗎?) 希望能夠有一個MOU能夠簽署,如果MOU簽署,就固定地成為兩方政府,簽訂了MOU。」
國民黨立委 江啟臣 vs. 外交部長 吳釗燮表示:「(你認為國會這部分,會不會有什麼變化?) 原先估計,可能在參議院裡面,共和黨還是會掌握多數,但是票還沒最後(開完)。」
WHA復會進入第三天,有網友發現,在WHO的臉書直播上留言 Taiwan,就會被遮蔽留言,也引發台灣網友紛紛上WHO臉書聲援用中文、各式網路符號突顯台灣!
外交部長 吳釗燮表示:「感到非常的不滿和遺憾,我們也向世界衛生組織,提出我們的抗議。」