Illegal Housing in Rinari Community Demolished|好茶部落8成永久屋有違建 屏縣強制拆除

The Pingtung County Government decided to go ahead with its demolition plan after one local resident set himself on fire to protest. The community stood against the large demolition machines, and urge the government and the public to raise awareness of land justice and indigenous living rights.
(Let's talk nicely.) Nothing I can say!
Large demolition machines are parked in front of a 3-story high illegal structure at the Rinari Community, with numerous police officers being deployed to avoid potential conflicts. After one of the local residents set himself on fire on October 13 during a protest, the Pingtung County government decided to go ahead with the demolition plan, which will start with the illegal structure belonging to the representative of Wutai Township Li Chin-lung.
Do you think this place was designed in a way that is suitable for people to live under the Permanent Housing policy? We've been trying hard for the past 11 years to promote local development but now the government is acting like a double-faced man who are hurting the residents.
Standing together with the local residents in front of the alleged illegal housings, Li said the demolition is only a minor issue compared to the insufficient supporting measures of the permanent housing project. He urged the government to amend the reconstruction laws and raise the public awareness on land justice and indigenous living rights. In response, the Department of Indigenous Peoples emphasized the demolition is carried out due to concerns of public safety.
This particular illegal housing is in fact serving as a place for commercial usage and not for residential purposes. Therefore we need to take into account the fact that this is a building on a hillside which is a serious public safety issue.
In addition to the buildings that will be torn down in these two days, about 80 percent of the permanent housings in the Rinari Community have illegal construction issues. The Department of Indigenous Peoples said it will record and manage these problems without demolishing the buildings. It will also seek to relax restrictions on permanent housings through law amendments in order to accommodate the living needs of the indigenous people.
警察 vs. 當地居民:「(好好講啦!) 什麼好好講!」
屏東縣霧台鄉代表 李金龍表示:「在永久屋政策的設計之下,你們覺得這個地方,是適合人居住的地方嗎?我們好不容易,在這11年來,帶動了部落的在地發展,你們無情的用兩面操作的方式,來傷害族人的情感。」
屏東縣原住民處副處長 蔡文進表示:「這一棟違建屋,它事實上,不是因應居住使用,而是經營商業行為。發生什麼樣的公安問題,以及山坡地的一個公共安全問題,這是我們必須去嚴肅考量的。」