
Ferry Service Suspended with Hagupit Approaching|哈格比增強 取消台東往返蘭嶼.綠島船班

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In the face of severe tropical storm Hagupit, the Central Weather Bureau has issued a series of sea typhoon warnings. Meanwhile, all ferries between Taitung and Green Island and Taitung and Orchid Island were canceled, leaving over 6,000 tourists stranded.

Although rain wasn't hitting Green Island just yet on the morning of the 3rd, winds grew stronger throughout the morning. With ferry service suspended for the day, 4,863 tourists were stranded on Green Island and 1,632 on Orchid Island.

It is very windy in Green Island today and boats aren't able to leave or enter the dock. As a result, ferry service has been suspended for the day. Tourists may have to wait until tomorrow to leave.

The Central Weather Bureau issued sea typhoon warnings in the morning as severe tropical storm Hagupit got closer to Taiwan. As of 11:30 a.m., Hagupit's center was located 150 kilometers east-northeast of Keelung and moving north-northwest. Its storm circle crossed over northeastern Taiwan before noon, causing long waves off of Taiwan's northern, eastern, and southern coasts as well as off of Penghu and Matsu. Category-9 winds were also reported in areas north of Taoyuan and some of Taiwan's offshore islands. The bureau is warning everyone to take flood prevention measures.

Based on our forecasts, Hagupit's storm circle will leave Taiwan proper this evening. At present, northern Taiwan is still receiving a lot of rain from the storm.

The bureau says it will issue typhoon warnings if they becomes necessary. Northern Taiwan will see short showers, and western and southern Taiwan could as well. Farmers in eastern and southern Taiwan, meanwhile, should be on guard for Foehn winds.




中央氣象局預報員 謝佩芸表示:「我們預期今天在傍晚後,哈格比颱風它的暴風圈,就會逐漸遠離台灣本島,台灣現在在北部,比較北台灣的區域,是持續受到颱風外圍環流影響,有比較明顯的降雨。」

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