Lawmakers Call for Revisions to Hong Kong Act|立院黨團聲明 斥中破壞港人治港.高度自治

Regarding the newly-passed Hong Kong National Security Law, Legislative Speaker Yu Shyi-kun condemned China for breaking its promise of Hong Kong's autonomy. He urged the legislators to amend the law to assist Hong Kong people while Premier Su Tseng-chang says a task force should be formed instead of providing humanitarian aid.
The Legislative Yuan issued a joint statement on the 29th expressing "strong regret" and condemnation after China passed the Hong Kong National Security Law.
The Hong Kong National Security Law severely damages China's promise of 50 years of unchanging high autonomy to Hong Kong. The members of the Legislative Yuan are very concerned and express strong regret and severe condemnation.
The statement called on the Mainland Affairs Council to issue a quarterly report evaluating the independence of Hong Kong's government, economy and society. While lawmakers want to amend Article 18 of the Laws and Regulations Regarding Hong Kong and Macao Affairs to provide asylum to Hong Kong citizens, Premier Su Tseng-chang says he and President Tsai Ing-wen find this unnecessary and they will instead form a humanitarian aid task force.
If the situation in Hong Kong changes, the Mainland Affairs Council can ask an Executive Yuan task force to take action. This is how we plan to proceed. There is no need to revise the Laws and Regulations Regarding Hong Kong and Macao Affairs.
Su also condemned China for breaking its 50-year, "one country, two systems" promise and claimed this is proof that the "one country, two systems" consensus between China and the Kuomintang is a lie.
Some lawmakers have formed a cross-party association to consolidate support for Hong Kong.
This lets the people of Taiwan understand more clearly the true nature of "one country, two systems." Taiwan is the democratic fortress of Asia. It will do everything it can to stand with the people of Hong Kong.
There are some people that we hope the government can use house arrest sanctions on so that the won't allowed to come to Taiwan. For example, some police officers or government officials that have oppressed Hong Kong citizens, or people that have been influenced by Chinese capital.
With Hong Kong's status quo changing, Hong Kong youths thanked Taiwan for standing with them and said they support Tsai's proposal of humanitarian aid. However, they also called for strict reviews of applicant qualifications so that aid isn't granted to people who are only looking to take advantage.
立法院長 游錫堃表示:「香港版國安法,嚴重破壞港人治港,高度自治,50年不變之承諾。立法院朝野各黨團皆同表關切,並表示強烈遺憾,及嚴厲譴責。」
行政院長 蘇貞昌表示:「港澳條例對於香港,如果有情勢變化,可以由陸委會報行政院專案處理。法條記載,現在我們就依據這個在做,並沒有要修法的必要。」
陸委會副主委 邱垂正表示:「讓台灣人民更清楚明白,一國兩制的真正本質,台灣作為亞洲的民主堡壘,會盡最大的努力與能力,和香港民眾站在一起。」
香港邊城青年 Justine表示:「有一些人,我們希望政府可以用軟禁制裁的方式,不讓他們來到台灣,比方說一些好像港警,或是直接壓迫香港民眾的官員,或者是一些已經被中資滲透的資金。」