Pharmacist Charges NT$1,500 for Box of Panadol 普拿疼1盒1500元? 藥師10倍價哄抬遭查
A resident recently reported that a pharmacist charged him NT$1,500 for a box of Panadol. This pharmacist denied the accusation, but an audio recording proved he was lying. Now, the Federation of Taiwan Pharmacists Association, the Taipei City Department of Health, and the Taipei City consumer protection officer are all investigating, and the pharmacist has apologized.
Antipyretics are currently hard to find in Taiwan. A resident recently reported that a pharmacist at a Taipei pharmacy was selling a box of Panadol for NT$1,500.
Mr. Liao, Resident (Dec. 28, 2022): “He (the pharmacist) insisted on charging NT$1,500, saying he couldn't lower the price.”
There was an audio recording of the conversation, and the Federation of Taiwan Pharmacists Association confirmed that the price was artificially inflated. On Dec. 29, the pharmacist, a man surnamed Hung, issued a public apology. He said he charged NT$1,500 because the pharmacy had no stock and he was trying to get out of this awkward situation.
Implicated Pharmacist: “My phrasing was inappropriate, and caused misunderstandings. I feel deeply uneasy. I would like to apologize to this customer and to society.”
As this incident involved the Fair Trade Act, Taipei City's Department of Health and consumer protection officer went to the pharmacy to check the medicine's stock record and other information to determine if any laws were violated. The FTPA also held an emergency meeting and decided to punish the pharmacist.
Huang Chin-shun, Chairperson, Fed. of Taiwan Pharmacists Associations: “The implicated party must be transferred to the Fair Trade Commission. We will also collect related evidence to give to the Pharmacist Disciplinary Committee. The heaviest punishment will be to annul his pharmacist license.”
Chiu Chia-liang, Taipei City Consumer Protection Officer: “The fine will be higher if he violated the Fair Trade Act, so we should apply the Fair Trade Act instead of Consumer Protection Act in determining the punishment.”
This pharmacy is currently closed for business. Under the Pharmacists Act, the heaviest punishment is a license annulment if an investigation confirms violations. The name and workplace of the pharmacist will also be made public. If it's confirmed that the price was artificially inflated, a fine of NT$50,000 to NT$25 million can be imposed for violating Article 25 of the Fair Trade Act.