
Executive Yuan Planning "Quintuple" Stimulus Vouchers 政院擬發五倍券 地方政府.民代意見不一

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The Executive Yuan is planning to issue "quintuple" stimulus vouchers in the hope to boost economy. Taipei City Mayor Ko Wen-je called for the promotion of digital vouchers instead of paper ones while some KMT lawmakers repeated their oppositions, saying the government should give cash instead.

Lo Ping-cheng, Spokesperson, Executive Yuan:"The printing costs are approximately NT$700 million. There are other major administrative expenses during the exchange process. The remaining expenses add up to about NT$2 billion. If we issue quintuple stimulus vouchers this year, the method we will use will be based on last year's method. As for these administrative and printing expenses, we're only changing the denomination from triple to quintuple, only increasing the denomination. There's no way that administrative expenses will increase sixfold to NT$13 billion when the denomination is increased."

Only 7 percent of triple stimulus vouchers were bound to digital wallets last year. Raising this rate will be a big test for the government. The Kuomintang continues calling for a universal cash handout of NT$ 10,000. A DPP lawmaker suggests to allow people to choose between paper vouchers, digital vouchers, and cash as they did with vaccine products.




行政院發言人 羅秉成表示:「印製大概是7億多,其他的行政費用,主要是兌換過程裡面,所剩費用,大概加總起來,是20初頭億左右。那今年我們用5倍券的話,所使用的相關做法跟模式,會參仿,參考去年的作法,這個行政成本印製費用,我們只是面額從3倍變5倍而已,面額增加,行政費用不可,也不會暴增到6倍之多,高達130幾億。」



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