
Legislative Session Set to Open Without Four Detained Lawmakers|涉SOGO收賄案 4現任立委仍收押禁見

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The legislature will open a new session on Sept. 18. Four incumbent legislators will not take part, as they have been detained for their involvement in the SOGO bribery scandal. However, they have not been stripped of their legislator status, meaning they can continue collecting their salaries.

The legislature will open a new session on Sept. 18. Incumbent legislators Su Chen-ching, Liao Kuo-tung, Chen Chao-ming, and Chao Cheng-yu will not be in attendance because they are currently under detention for their involvement in the SOGO bribery scandal. On Sept. 17, Legislative President You Si-kun said he hopes good people won't be treated wrongly and bad people won't be condoned. The two-month detainment period is set to end soon. If judicial authorities decide to extend the detainment while the legislature is in session, they will need to send a letter to solicit the approval of the legislature under the provisions in the constitution. However, the letter that was sent only sought to inform the legislature instead of soliciting its approval. This may result in a struggle between judicial power and legislative power.

The Legislative Yuan and Judicial Yuan were established as separate entities to check and balance. We hope the Judicial Yuan can respect the constitutional government. In other words, all their actions should conform to the provisions of the constitution.

This matter is of great importance as it involves the separation of powers between constitutional government institutions. I think we will need to have a discussion on how to proceed at the committee or legislature level.

So far, these four legislators and Legislator Fu Kun-chi, who is currently imprisoned for stock speculation, have not been stripped of their public powers or legislator position. That means they and their aides can continue collecting their salaries. However, they won't be able to get business-related expenses reimbursed. Opposition lawmakers say laws need to be amended.

The act governing the conduct of legislators must be amended regarding how to deal with the rights of legislators after they are detained or sentenced. I advise President You to have the legislature discuss whether this act needs to be examined.

The session opens on Sept. 18, and Premier Su Tseng-chang and senior Executive Yuan officials are scheduled to give a report and answer questions on the opening of Taiwan to imports of U.S. pork and beef containing leanness-enhancing agents. The Kuomintang says it will ask Su to apologize for making a U-turn on this issue. You says he respects that parties have different views and policies and he hopes everyone can rationally participate in the interpellation.


立法院長 游錫堃表示:「立法跟司法,分立而制衡,我們希望司法院能夠尊重憲政。就是說,他們的所有的處理,希望都能夠合乎憲法的規定。」

立法院民進黨團書記長 鍾佳濱表示:「這件事情,因為事關重大。有關於憲政機關之間的三權分際,如何去拿捏?我覺得,未來可能院會裡面,或者是委員之間,我們要來進行,好好地討論。」


立法院民眾黨團總召 賴香伶表示:「在立法委員行為法當中,去針對,不管是在羈押期間,或者是判刑確定之後,如何在他的權益上面,做處理,這個一定是要修法的。所以我想,也可以建議游院長,是不是對這個法規的檢視,國會有一個這個討論的過程。」

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