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US President Donald Trump's executive order formally ended the United States' participation in the TPP. Some scholars believe Taiwan needs to continue its efforts to join the TPP because other TPP member countries including Japan, Australia and Canada, will remain committed to the TPP. The Executive Yuan said Taiwan will strengthen economic links with other countries in Asia and make adjustments to the trade agreements with the US. US President Donald Trump signed an executive order on 23rd, scrapping the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. In response, Deputy Director of the Taiwan WTO Center Lee Chun thinks Taiwan still has to push for the participation of the TPP because Japan, Australia and Canada remain major countries in the TPP, which may have a positive effect on Taiwan. ==LEE CHUN Deputy Director of the Taiwan WTO Center== The TPP will find a few replacements for the vacancy. At the moment, the possible targets are Korea and Taiwan. The two countries are in fact powerful economies, ranking as the 15 and 20 in the world. Chances are that Taiwan will more likely get access to the TPP without the US participation. The US is now to seek bilateral trade agreements with individual countries, Lee said, adding that Taiwan can again put on the table the Free Trade Agreement it has actively discussed with the US. Through economic relations, the bilateral trade agreement between the two will move forward accordingly. The Executive Yuan said besides strengthening economic links with Asian countries, Taiwan will make adjustments to the trade deals with the US. ==HSU KUO-YUNG Executive Yuan spokesman== We will continue talks with the US under the Trade and Investment Trade Agreement(TIFA). We hope to relax the relevant regulations to prepare for talks with the US over TIFA or FTA. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said regardless of the advancement of TPP negotiation, Taiwan is to actively push for free trade agreements and seek the participation of regional economic integration. Taiwan is to strengthen the bilateral economic relations based on the current framework of TIFA and discussions of signing the FTA with the US. TRANSLATED BY:BRYANT CHANG 美國總統川普上任後在美國時間23號簽署了行政命令,宣布正式退出跨太平洋夥伴協定TPP,對此中經院WTO中心副執行長李淳認為,雖然美國退出TPP,但裡面還有日本、澳洲、加拿大等重要國家,對台灣還是有加分的效果,台灣不能放棄加入TPP ==中經院WTO中心副執行長 李淳== 他一定會希望找幾個 新的成員來填補美國的地位 那現在看起來最合適的對象 一個叫做韓國 另外一個就是台灣 台韓說實話 經濟體並不是特別的小 都是全世界前15 前20大的經濟體 反而台灣還是有加入TPP 就是沒有美國的 TPP的空間 李淳表示,川普接下來的貿易議程,可能將啟動個別國家的雙邊協定,而過去台灣曾積極跟美國恰簽台美自由貿易協定FTA,正好可以趁此次機會讓議題重新浮出檯面,透過經貿關係讓雙邊協定更上一層樓,而行政院也表示,除了加強和亞洲各國經貿合作,也要調整和美國的經貿談判方向。 ==行政院發言人 徐國勇== 對外 我們跟美國 會在TIFA的基礎上 繼續來就這方面來談判 當然我們希望 國內法規 相關的要鬆綁 來符合 要跟美國談判TIFA 甚至FTA 整個做準備 而外交部也強調,無論TPP未來進展為何,台灣還是會積極推動貿易自由化,並尋求參加區域經濟整合,也會透過既有的台美貿易暨投資架構協定TIFA架構,持續加強雙邊經貿合作關係,並研議與美方洽簽台美自由貿易協定FTA,以深化雙邊經貿關係。 記者 綜合報導
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