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Meanwhile in the United States, Donald Trump will be inaugurated as the president this Friday . Civil-rights groups have gathered in Washington this weekend in preparation for a week of protests against Trump. Noted civil-rights leader and Congressman John Lewis called the legitimacy of Trump's presidency into question, triggering a storm of angry tweets from Trump. A series of demonstrations and protests before Donald Trump's inauguration started with a march by civil-rights groups on the 14th. The Reverend Al Sharpton, a civil-rights crusader, led a crowd of two thousand through freezing temperatures and rain from the National Mall to the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial. Chanting "no justice, no peace," the crowd vowed support of minority groups and denounced Trump's efforts to repeal Obamacare. ==REV. AL SHARPTON Pastor and Civil Rights Activist== We come to say to the Democrats in the Senate and in the House, and to the moderate Republicans, to get some backbone and get some guts. Dozens of groups have received permits to hold a series of protests over the week before Trump's inauguration. A women's march is scheduled for the day after the inauguration, with over 190,000 saying on Facebook that they are going. Participants are expected to include singer Katy Perry and actress Julianne Moore. Hundreds of affiliated events will take place across the US at the same time as the March. Congressman John Lewis of Georgia, a prominent civil-rights leader, questioned Trump's legitimacy during a media interview and said that he would not attend the inauguration. Trump tweeted that Lewis was "all talk" and should spend more time solving the crime problem in his constituency. These tweets drew further ire. TRANSLATED BY:JOHN CHEN 川普就任前的連串反對示威,14號由支持有色人種等少數族裔的民權團體率先上街頭,揭開序幕。民權牧師夏普頓率領兩千群眾,冒著零度低溫跟細雨,從國家廣場遊行到馬丁路德記念碑。他們高喊沒正義就沒和平,表達支持弱勢團體,以及川普高喊廢除的歐巴馬指標政績,歐記健保。 ==黑人民權牧師 夏普頓== 我們是來告訴國會的民主黨 以及溫和派共和黨議員 腰板要挺直 要有膽識(說不) 目前已經有幾十個團體取得華府許可,在川普就職前一個禮拜連番舉行抗議活動。一場由女權運動者所號召,在川普就任隔天走上街頭的粉紅力量示威,來勢洶洶,已經在臉書上獲得十九萬人連署,包括女星凱蒂佩瑞,朱利安摩爾等人也計畫現身力挺。全美還有數百個類似的姊妹遊行活動,計畫在紐約,洛杉磯等大城市舉行。 喬治亞州眾議員,知名黑人民權領袖路易斯,在接受媒體專訪時質疑川普當選的正當性,表示不會參加就職典禮,川普立刻推文反擊,指路易斯議員光出一張嘴指責別人,沒有行動,應該多花時間解決自己選區犯罪猖獗等大問題。不過這番話也立刻招來抨擊。 記者 施慧中 報導
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