
Ripples from Mega Bank case widen to Ruentex兆豐金案 裁定蔡友才.王起梆羈押禁見          

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Repercussions from the Mega Bank Financial Holdings New York Branch case rumble on. Prosecutors in Taiwan started investigations and uncovered loans made to the Ruentex Group of over NT$20 million during the tenure of Mckinney Tsai as Mega Bank's Chair. After Tsai resigned as Mega Bank's Chair, he took a position as Chair of Chien Chi Assets Management Co., a company invested in by the Ruentex Group. After he took the position, the company's value soared to NT$12 billion. Prosecutors find this suspect and the loans made to Ruentex suspect. They interviewed Tsai for the fifth time. Ruentex Group Chair Yin Yan-liang was also called in as a witness to give a statement. After being interviewed he was allowed to leave. Tsai is suspected of committing violations of the Securities Exchange Act and was held incommunicado. On Oct. 3, Ruentex Group Chair Yin Yan-liang was called to give a statement as a witness. He was allowed to leave after giving his statement. ==YIN YAN-LIANG Ruentex Group Chair== Do you feel confident? Yes. (thinks) because I am innocent. Facing the media, Yin was confident and maintained that both he and former Mega Bank Chair Mckinney Tsai were innocent. However, Taipei District Prosecutors found that during Tsai's tenure as Mega Bank Chair the bank had lent the Ruentex Group NT$23.7 billion with Mega Bank acting as Ruentex's private bank vault. After Tsai resigned as Mega Bank's Chair in March this year, he took a position as Chair of a Ruentex invested company DataGovTw and the company's worth jumped from NT$8 billion to NT$20 billion, a rise of NT$12 billion. Prosecutors find this suspicious and want to clarify the relationship between Tsai and Yin and how this may relate to the money laundering case. ==REPORTER to MCKINNEY TSAI former Mega Bank Financial Holdings Chair== Yin Yan-liang says you are innocent, do you have any comment? Prosecutors interveiwed Tsai, former chief secretary of Mega Financial Holding's Board of Directors Wang Chi-bang, and 16 others. After questioning, both Tsai and Wang were first held incommunicado and then at 5 am this morning, were arrested without bail. The former chairman of DataGovTw, Hsieh Hong-yuan was released on bail of NT$2 million. Prosecutors investigating the money laundering scandal have now uncovered suspected violations of the Securities Exchange Act, susbstantial private loans and breach of trust, all of which they will continue to clarify. TRANSLATED BY:CLARE LEAR 潤泰集團總裁尹衍樑,3號晚間依證人身份,遭到檢方約談,訊後獲得請回。 ==潤泰集團總裁 尹衍樑== (總裁對自己有沒有信心) 有信心 (為什麼)因為我是清白的 面對鏡頭,尹衍樑是一派輕鬆,堅持自已和兆豐金前董事長蔡友才是清白的,不過,北檢偵辦兆豐銀遭美國重罰案,過程中查出,兆豐金前董事長蔡友才在任時,兆豐金陸續借貸給潤泰集團237億,兆豐金衍然成了尹衍樑的「金庫」,而蔡友才在請辭兆豐董座,就接任潤泰投資的鑒機資產公司董事長的職務後,之後,鑒機公司的資本額從80億飆升到200億,暴增120億,資金來源,引起檢方懷疑,要釐清蔡友才和尹衍梁在兆豐借貸案的關係。 ==兆豐金前董事長蔡友才 vs 記者== 尹衍樑總裁相信你是清白的 你有什麼話說 檢方一口氣,約談蔡友才、前兆豐金董事會主秘王起梆,以及前鑒機董事長謝泓源等18名被告和證人,訊後,認定蔡友才涉案嫌疑重大,將他和王起梆聲押禁見,謝泓源則是獲得20萬交保,檢方偵辦兆豐銀案,從一開始追查洗錢疑雲,到轉變為懷疑涉及證交法,如今,再查出兆豐金借貸潤泰案,案情再擴大,其中,是否涉及私相收授,有無涉嫌背信罪,都必須查明。 記者 綜合報導
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