School Mask Mandate Removed Starting March 6 校園口罩令今鬆綁 校車.健康中心仍須戴
|Starting March 6, Taiwan no longer require masks to be worn in schools.The mask mandate has been lifted in schools starting March 6. Apart from school buses, student health centers, etc., students can
Indoor Mask Mandate Eased Starting Feb. 20 口罩令2/20起鬆綁 賣場工作人員仍戴口罩
|Masks are no longer required indoors starting Feb. 20. However, the mandate would remain in place for medical and care institutions as well as on mass transportations.After more than 800 days, Taiwan
室內口罩令今起鬆綁 醫療院所大眾運輸仍須戴