Family of Three in Kaohsiung All Test Positive 高雄確診案 幼兒園.消防分隊採檢皆陰性
|Eighty contacts of a four-year-old boy that tested positive in Kaohsiung. As boy's infection source remains unclear, the city decided to expand PCR testing in Dagang District.People line up to get tes
Woman Faces NT$600K Fine for Absconding from Quarantine Hotel 未入住防疫旅館 北市失聯女子遭開罰60萬
|A woman returned Taiwan from Dubai that absconded from her quarantine hotel before even checking in faces a NT$600,000 fine.Ms. Pan walks out of a private residence in Beitou. Police and health worker
Taipei City Reports New COVID-19 Cases 石牌國中學生家長.東吳城區部 再傳確診
|Taipei City reported 2 new confirmed cases on the evening of the 20th. One of which was a parent of a student from Shipai Junior High School, and the other was a confirmed case at Soochow University's