經典賽資格賽台灣拚附加賽晉級 明對戰西班牙今午起售票
12強/台灣首度在3大賽事奪冠 斬斷日本國際大賽27連勝
7月1日香港回歸25年 港媒:習近平將自深圳訪港
Cluster Infection Spreads from Chiayi to Taipei 嘉義婚宴案群聚擴大 專家:避握手等接觸行為
|The wedding banquet cluster infection has spread from Chiayi to Taipei, with six cases confirmed. One expert says people should not shake hands or embrace at wedding banquets due to risk of infection.
Tainan Gueidan and Guanziling Hot Spring Popular Among Visitors 氣溫驟降 台南關子嶺與龜丹溫泉住宿率高
|During the cold weekend of Feb. 18 , Tainan City logged more than 60,000 visitors visiting the scenic areas with hot springs and Guanziling reached 90 percent capacity.Nice, hot spring feels welcoming
Tai Tzu-ying Breezes into Olympic Quarterfinals 戴資穎小組賽3連勝 分組第1闖進8強
|Tai Tzu-ying became the third Taiwanese to advance to the quarterfinals of the women's badminton singles at Olympics after she defeated her French opponent comfortably in just 25 minutes. The world no
Lebih 16.000 pelari meriahkan maraton Tianzhong
|Semua orang berlari dari garis start dalam maraton Tianzhong yang diadakan di Changhua pada tanggal 10. Kegiatan ini menarik lebih dari 16 ribu peserta untuk berpartisipasi. Pemenang kejuaraan tri
Taiwan eSports Competitor Wins Silver at Asian Games|亞運電競"星海爭霸" 台灣Nice黃昱翔奪銀
|For the first time, in this year's Asian Games, eSports became a demonstration sport. Chinese Taipei eSports competitor Nice won the silver medal in the Starcraft II tournament after losing to a comp