自助點餐機未取代真人 美國速食業人力不減反增
「紅杯日」贈環保杯與無限暢飲 美國星巴克員工不堪負荷罷工
暴雨意外沖出河床黃金 加州再掀淘金熱
Grimmest Year in History for Cross-Strait Relations 學者:兩岸關係解嚴後 今年堪稱最嚴峻
|The tense cross-Strait situation was exacerbated by U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi's visit to Taiwan in August, and China blockaded Taiwan as a response. Scholars say this year has
Guidelines for Large Gatherings Without Event Organizers Urged 莫蹈梨泰院悲劇 大型活動應有安全指引
|At least 156 people have died in the tragic Halloween stampede in a popular nightlife district of the South Korean capital Seoul. Most of the victims were in their 20s and there were more women among
Body of Missing Taipei District Court Judge Found 台北地院法官陳伯均登山失聯 今尋獲遺體
|Taipei District Court judge Chen Po-chun went missing while mountain climbing in Taichung on Sept. 11. Firefighters and search and rescue personnel spent three days searching for him. His remains were
Quarantine Lifted for 67,000 People on April 27 今6.7萬人解隔 「3+4」首波解隔亂象叢生
|An estimated 67,000 people nationwide ended their quarantines on April 27 following the implementation of the 3+4 policy. However, many said they have not even received their quarantine orders while o
Unprecedented "No Resolution" at Electricity Price Review Committee 電價審議委員會:沒有決議 電價暫不調漲
|The electricity price review committee met on March 29 and discussed whether the price should be increased in April. The result was an unprecedented "no resolution." Economic Affairs Minister Wang Mei
If Russia and Ukraine Go to War, US Would Get Hit Strongly 鎳.鈀.氖出口重鎮 俄烏若交戰美衝擊最大
|Russia-Ukraine tension could exacerbate the global chip shortage as well as the price hike of your kitchen countertop. As Ukraine is an important producer and exporter of precious metal, including nic
From Fresh Graduates to Mid-aged Workers, Pandemic Affects Almost Everyone in Job Market 疫情影響就業市場 新鮮人與職場爸爸同受衝擊
|According to a new job bank survey, 46 percent of new graduates don't think they can find a job. A job website, meanwhile, says on average working dads have not received a raise in 4.4 years. Eighty-f