蘇丹內戰兒童性暴力事件頻傳 聯合國兒童基金會:1歲童也受害
日本原子彈爆炸80週年將至 原爆倖存者組織獲諾貝爾和平獎
Townhouse Fire Kills Three; One Remains Unconscious 高雄民宅今晨火警 屋主一家3死.1重傷
|A fatal fire broke out on Kaohsiung's Wujia First Road at around 4 am on Jan 15. Four women were at home sleeping while their house was on fire, including the homeowners' mother, wife, and two daughte
Four File for Petition over Lockdown of Hoping Hospital 17年前和平封院 4隔離員工向人權會陳情
|The Taipei Municipal Hoping Hospital was ordered to lock down in 2003 to prevent the further spread of the SARS pandemic, with over 1000 hospital employees, patients, and their caretakers being forced
Formosa Fun Coast Burn Victim Rebuilds Life|八仙塵爆屆3週年 傷者重生建立新生活
|An inspiring story to start the news. Imagine being a survivor with 60 percent of your body burnt. How would you choose to continue your life? Three years ago, the Formosa Fun Coast water park explos
Fourth Grade Cancer Survivor Receives Presidential Education Award|小四生蘇玄樺樂觀抗癌 獲總統教育獎
|Su Hsuan-Hua, a fourth grader from Yinlin County's Nanyang Elementary School, was diagnosed with Leukemia four years ago. However, despite the difficulties she had to endure with repeated chemotherap
Formosa Fun Coast Survivor Releases Book|走過八仙塵爆 陳寧出書勉勵傷者
|The Formosa Fun Coast water park explosion in June 2015 killed more than 10 people and injured close to 500. One survivor is former flight attendant Chen Ning. She has written a book about her journ
|地方British Prime Minister Theresa May promised there would be a full investigation into the cause of a fire that ripped through a London tower block killing 12 residents and injuring dozens more as they
|地方On Sep. 8, a 19-year-old Indian woman whose face was brutally disfigured in an acid attack, took to the catwalk in New York to open a fashion show in her first trip abroad. The show is to promote a ba