陳偉殷退休告別20年球員生涯 「誠實面對不再是巔峰的自己」
Kaohsiung Second-run Cinema to be Closed After 33 Years|不敵時代潮流 高雄33年二輪戲院吹熄燈號
|One of the only two cinemas in Kaohsiung City that show second-run movies, He Chun Movie Cinema, has suddenly announced that it couldn't maintain its operation after reporting losses for many years,
Pitaya Wholesale Prices Plummet|批發價不敷成本 部分火龍果農棄收
|Pitaya or dragon fruit has been named as the next fruit to experience plummeting prices. Chiayi County Magistrate Helen Chang says the current price is 70 percent of last year's price. She also urges
Honghonger Raises Awareness on Plastic Pollution on Orchid Island|港人造舟渡黑潮 號召蘭嶼遊客清垃圾
|A man from Hong Kong has decided to raise awareness on the issue of plastic pollution on Taiwan's outlying Orchid Island. The man built a boat in eastern Taitung city and plans to sail all the way to