月球38億年前遇小行星撞擊 2座大峽谷「僅花10分鐘形成」
UNESCO công nhận Tết Nguyên Đán là "di sản văn hóa phi vật thể"
|Cuộc khẩu chiến xung quanh nguồn gốc Tết âm lịch giữa Trung Quốc, Hàn Quốc và Việt Nam có lẽ đã đi đến hồi kết, khi vào ngày 4/12, UNESCO đã thông qua đề xuất của Trung Quốc về việc, đưa Tết Nguyên Đá
中國提案通過 農曆春節列非物質文化遺產
挑戰成為首個登月民間企業 SpaceX發射無人探測器
Starlux Airlines Files Lawsuit to Netizen 遭爆涉內線消息 星宇航空翟健華按鈴申告
|Starlux Airlines' stock price fluctuated sharply in February, causing losses to many stockholders. Upon accusations of insider trading, CEO Glenn Chai has decided to file charges.Glenn Chai, the CEO o
Public Criticizes Six Makeup Work Days This Year 今年6補班日引民怨 人事長:擬每年不超過3次
|In response to public anger, the Directorate-General of Personnel Administration says it is considering five proposals to cap the number of makeup work days at three per year.Everyone enjoys long week
Egg Price Increase Creates Headaches 蛋價調漲重回歷史高點 早餐店業者苦撐
|Chains Formosa Chang, Louisa Coffee, and Bafang Dumpling are the latest eateries to announce price increases. Meanwhile, the egg price increase on Feb. 13 is causing headaches for breakfast eateries.
Silent Hypoxia Common in Older COVID-19 Patients 部分確診長者不吃藥 隱形缺氧死亡風險升
|Taiwan's COVID-19 death rate continues to remain high. With 57 deaths reported on Feb. 12, doctors say some elderly patients have a higher risk of death because they won't take antivirals and end up w
Total Value of Fake Money Over NT$120 Million 偽鈔竄全台 雲林警查扣面額1.2億元證物
|Before the Lunar New Year, there were numerous reports of people receiving fake NT$1,000 bills. The Yunlin County Police Department investigated after receiving one such report, first capturing suspec
Traffic Control on Suhua Highway for Reconstruction 蘇花坍方處年後施工 今起交管出現壅塞
|In order to carry out reconstruction of the Suhua Highway, traffic control has been implemented starting on Feb. 2.Although the landslide at the 159.3-kilometer mark on Suhua Highway was opened to tra