WHO列M痘為國際公衛緊急事件 疾管署提升非洲7國旅遊警戒
Gelombang ke-4 pandemi capai titik kulminasi, mereda pada pertengahan Juli
|Perjangkitan COVID-19 gelombang keempat terus memanas di Taiwan. Jumlah kasus diperkirakan memuncak pada Festival Perahu Naga, dan baru akan menurun secara bertahap pada pertengahan Juli. Menurut rise
Influenza Victims Were Unvaccinated 流感疫情再添2死 皆未接種本季流感疫苗
|The CDC's latest data show that the influenza epidemic has claimed two more lives, while four new cases of monkeypox have been reported, including three domestic cases. The total number of domestic mo
Three Monkeypox Cases Spread Out Across Island 猴痘疫本土3個案 台北.新竹.高雄現蹤
|Health and Welfare Minister Hsueh Jui-yuan says monkeypox is only spreading among "special friend groups" and prevention policies therefore have to be more detailed.Taiwan's three domestic monkeypox i
Taiwan melaporkan 29.849 kasus lokal, 49 kasus meninggal pada 13 Juli
|Jumlah kasus positif COVID-19 di Taiwan terus menurun. Tanggal 13 Juli, Pusat Komando Epidemi Sentral (CECC) melaporkan 29.849 kasus lokal dan 49 kasus meninggal, sementara penderita gejala menengah d
Monkeypox Is Fatal in 3-6% of Cases 醫揭猴痘「三大危險因子」 死亡率3%至6%
|According to WHO statistics, over 4,000 monkeypox cases have been reported worldwide so far, including Taiwan. One doctor says the three main risk factors for monkeypox are unsafe sex, contact with an
Montreal Began Administering Vaccination for Monkeypox 猴痘疫情蔓延 加拿大開始施打疫苗
|More cases of the rare monkeypox virus, normally found in Africa, have been confirmed in the UK, bringing the total over 300. According to the WHO, more than 900 cases of monkeypox have been reported
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