中國官方疫情數據遭世衛質疑 未準確反映住院及死亡人數
Over 60 Imported BA.4, BA.5 Cases Last Week 上週境外移入 共驗出61例BA.4和BA.5
|Experts say that if Taiwan wants to lower its COVID-19 mortality rate, then senior citizens must get third vaccine doses. Meanwhile, they forecast that domestic cases caused by Omicron subvariants wil
境外移入BA.4和BA.5數量增加 黃立民估9月出現本土流行
National Infection Rate at 9% 全國染疫率9% 學者:月底可當流感化監測
|Local COVID-19 infection has entered a plateau period. According to the latest statistics from the Central Epidemic Command Center, the current national infection rate is about 9 percent, and this wav