川普上任後宣布廢除DEI政策 哪些企業已表態跟進?哪些企業仍堅持多元化原則?
Perusahaan nikel Taiwan di Indonesia merusak lingkungan dan HAM pekerja
|Taiwan Transnational Corporation Watch merilis laporan tentang perusahaan Taiwan dan hak asasi manusia di Indonesia. Laporan ini menunjukkan bahwa banyak rantai pasokan industri nikel Taiwan di Indone
NCP Patient Fined NT$300K in Adm. Penalties|台商遭行政裁處30萬 疾管處認定要開罰
|A Taiwanese businessperson in Kaohsiung is the third confirmed case of novel coronavirus pneumonia in Taiwan. As he chose not to wear a mask after he started having symptoms and went to the Jin Bali
Taiwan Confirms 18th Case of Coronavirus|國內第18例確診者無症狀 專家憂社區傳播
|Taiwan has confirmed its 18th case of novel coronavirus pneumonia. The patient is the first in Taiwan to be infected without any symptoms, but had a high viral load in his body. One expert is worried