俄移民促喬治亞GDP達10% 專家憂戰後經濟迅速衰退
系統商申請TVBS移頻換鏡電視 藍批新聞台全面綠化
Seorang PMI yang terdiagnosis gejala TBC kabur dari majikan
|Seorang perawat Indonesia yang pindah majikan dari Kaohsiung ke Pingtung beberapa waktu lalu terdiagnosis gejala TBC (Tuberkulosis), namun ia kabur setelah makan obat. Pihak majikan memposting videony
Brothers Sweep Lions to Win Taiwan Series 中信兄弟5:0勝統一獅 4連勝摘第8座總冠軍
|The Brothers earned the eighth trophy in team history of the Chinese Professional Baseball League's 32nd Taiwan Series championship.The CTBC Brothers defeated the Uni-President Lions 5 to 0 on Dec. 1
橫跨老中青三代 國慶百人霹靂舞成焦點
Tainan Launching English Audio Tours for Historical Sites|台南"英語友善古蹟導覽" 為外籍客設想
|The Statistics of Tainan City Government show over 400,000 foreign tourists visit the city every year. The city government has therefore teamed up with CTBC Business School to launch English language
Ruling Handed Down in Red Fire New Trial|紅火案纏訟多年 辜仲諒更一審判3年半
|Previously, Chinatrust Banking Corporation Charity Foundation Chairperson Jeffrey Koo was found guilty of financial irregularities and sentenced to 9 years and 8 months. He appealed. Recently, the f
斷訊風波影響收視 NCC開罰民視、TBC
|社福人權針對民視新聞台斷訊風波,影響了70多萬收視戶,NCC昨天裁處TBC台灣寬頻旗下南桃園等5家有線電視公司一間66萬,總共330萬, 要罰民視20萬,也要求必須盡速恢復信號,接著凱擘和台固與民視的授權合約今天也到期、也未完成授權協商,恐有上百萬戶將無法收視民視新聞台。 從5月4日開始,TBC台灣寬頻旗下的5家有線電視系統,因未獲民視新聞台授權,畫面只剩文字公告,雖然NCC介入協調,也先開罰TBC6萬元