Eggs in Stock With 12 for NT$79 or NT$89 首批進口蛋上架 1盒12顆大小售價79元.89元
The government is trying to buy eggs from 10 countries due to Taiwan's severe egg shortage. The first batch of imports hit shelves on March 29, with Australian eggs hitting Carrefour shelves. The store has a two cartons per customer policy.
There are actual eggs on the shelf! This Carrefour store in Taipei opened at 9 a.m. with shelves stocked with Australian eggs. The 600-gram cartons of 12 are selling for NT$79, while the 700-gram cartons of 12 are selling for NT$89. Customers began arriving at the store early in the morning in the hopes of getting their hands on some eggs.
Ms. Hsiao, Consumer: “It's cheaper. It was 10 for NT$99 or NT$150 before. Now it seems cheaper.”
Mr. Kuo, Consumer: “I feel like I got a bargain. (Do you think there should be a two-carton restriction?) It's fine. Two are enough for a family. (So you're happy?) Yes, yes, yes. Leave some for other people. Many people need eggs.”
Carrefour says it took delivery of 8,000 cartons of 90,000-plus eggs on the 29th and the eggs will be sold at both its hypermarkets and supermarkets. It doesn't know if the eggs scheduled for delivery on the 30th will arrive. Carrefour has a limit of two cartons per customer.
Chen Yi-fang, PR Manager, Carrefour: “We want every consumer to get a fair shot at eggs, so we adopted the two-carton policy.”
The Council of Agriculture has its hands full trying to import eggs and says it will continue doing so until the end of the year. It is expecting delivery of 35 and 70 million eggs in, respectively, April and May and hopes to see order restored in the market by the end of April.
Chang Ching-wei, Director, Department of Animal Industry, COA: “We have to admit there was somewhat of an egg shortage. We're making up the shortage to get the market back to normal. We expect that to happen in the second half of April.”
The council says the price of unwashed eggs is even higher than washed eggs at some places and online prices even shot up to over NT$100 per catty. The government hopes imports of hundreds of millions of eggs can help bring stability back to the market.