MND Says No Timetable for Mobilization Law Revision 全動法修法惹議傳暫停 國防部:沒有時間表
The Ministry of National Defense submitted a revised draft of the "All-out Defense Mobilization Readiness Act." The MND is now rumored to delay the revisions after drawing public criticism.
The situation on both sides of the Taiwan Strait is serious. The Ministry of National Defense intends to revise the All-out Defense Mobilization Readiness Act. However, its plan has caused controversy due to the lack of communication with the Legislative Yuan in advance. It is reported that the revision will be suspended. The MND responded by saying it will continue to garner opinions and emphasized that there is no timetable for the law's revision. However, the KMT's Legislative Yuan caucus does not believe the MND will stop its efforts to revise the law.
Tseng Ming-chung, KMT Legislative Caucus Whip: “These students are going to the battlefield. The whole country is paying attention to whether they will become a child soldier. The media will also be controlled during the preparation phase, which really violates freedom of speech and freedom of the press. There is a risk of unconstitutionality. If the law is to be revised, these two parts must be removed.”
Japanese news outlet Nikkei's special report claimed that Taiwan's biggest problem is that there are many military spies. It points out that as many as 90 percent of retired Taiwanese military officers went to China to sell information to make money. Most of Taiwan's top military officials had ancestral ties to China, making them unwilling to fight against the PLA. Opposition legislators said the Nikkei was maliciously spreading rumors and insulting Taiwan's national army. Feng Shih-kuan, Minister of the Veterans Affairs Council, was also angry.
Feng Shih-kuan, Minister, Veterans Affairs Council: “How could even the Japanese come to insult us? So I said something very bad to them. I said XXXXX. We'll get rid of any veteran that violates national security laws. We will just stop his or her pension.”
The DPP's Liu Shyh-fang made a sudden suggestion, proposing the Veterans Affairs Council to invite the Ministry of National Defense, the Mainland Affairs Council, and the Ministry of Justice to investigate whether retired military officers within the past five years have violated relevant national security regulations. In addition, the military has purchased 66 F-16V fighter jets, all of which are expected to be delivered in 2026. However, the Washington Post pointed out that Taiwan is facing a pilot recruitment dilemma and needs at least 100 new pilots in the next three years.
Johnny Chiang, Legislator (KMT): “Can we adjust the service period of these service members? Can we rehire them?”
Feng Shih-kuan, Minister, Veterans Affairs Council: “We can be like France. We can reenlist them as a pilot in the Air Force or as an instructor.”
Feng said frankly that the development of a pilot depends on time and experience. Chiang proposed rehiring retired pilots as instructors. Feng said that he will pass on this suggestion to the Ministry of National Defense.
國民黨立委江啟臣問:「這些人的役期,他能不能調整? 他能不能回聘?」