
Number of Illegal Daily Rentals Up 解封後國旅需求暢旺 違法日租套房趁勢起

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The number of illegal cheap daily rentals continues to go up, taking guests away from licensed hotels and guesthouses. The Tourism Bureau says over the official count exceeded 700 last year and it hopes travelers can choose to stay at legal hotels.

Daily rentals have been operating illegally through the past two years despite operators being fined. Daily rentals are cheaper than hotels and therefore popular with budget travelers. Legal hotel operators are feeling the crunch.

Tseng Mei-juan, Chair, New Taipei Hotel Association: “We took a look and found that the entire building was filled with daily rentals that were even renting rooms to people in quarantine. It had a huge impact. Greater Taipei doesn't get as many domestic travelers as Yilan, Hualien, and Taitung, and the number of daily rentals keeps going up.”

According to the official count, Taipei has the highest number of illegal daily rentals with 190, followed by Taichung with 172, Tainan with 99, Kaohsiung with 83, Chiayi with 25, Hualien with 12, and New Taipei with 10. The Tourism Bureau says illegal hotels and guesthouses are also a problem. Illegal operators can face fines of up to NT$500,000 and closure orders.

Huang Yi-cheng, Chief, Hotel and Lodging Division, Tourism Bureau: “We issued 768 fines last year worth over NT$88 million. The Tourism Bureau reminds everyone to only stay at legal hotels when traveling.”

The bureau says a list of legal hotels and guesthouses can be found on its website. In order to get their license, hotels, and guesthouses have to pass public and fire safety and health inspections and have accident insurance.





根據各地方政府回報,目前非法日租套房,在台北市最多,有190家,台中市有172家,台南市99家,高雄市 83家,嘉義市25家,花蓮縣 12家,新北市則有10家。觀光局表示,其實不只日租套房,未登記合法的旅館和民宿,也都在查緝範圍內,發展觀光條例對於非法旅宿業者最高可處50萬元罰鍰,並勒令歇業。



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