
Over 40,000 Citizens Reactive Household Registration in Jan. 疫情緩旅外國人紛返台 1月逾4萬人復籍

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Over 40,000 ROC citizens who live abroad returned to Taiwan and reactivated their household registration in January. Some believe the N$6,000 cash rebate could be a factor.

Over 40,000 ROC citizens living abroad returned to Taiwan in the month of January to reactivate their household registration. Close to half of the registrations were in Greater Taipei. Taipei topped the list with 9,917, followed by New Taipei with 9,630, Taichung with 4,941, Kaohsiung with 4,414, Taoyuan with 4,012, and Tainan with 2,478.

Liu Chia-feng, Section Chief, Dept. of Civil Affairs, Taipei City: “Policies that impact daily life include health insurance, education, military service, and school status policies. Citizens care a lot about whether their household registration is active in Taiwan or which municipality it's active in.”

Household registration and national health insurance are closely linked. Another factor is the NT$6,000 cash rebate, which can be directly transferred into a citizen's bank account, withdrawn from ATMs or collected at post offices. However, many remote areas don't have banks or cash withdrawal facilities.

Wu Li-hua, Legislator (DPP): “Our local townships offices in remote and indigenous areas can create this kind of register and then help our police visit indigenous villages to make distributions.”

Chiu Chiu-yin, Deputy Economic Development Director, National Development Council: “The Executive Yuan has already set up an interministerial task force and it is working very, very hard to implement relevant plans. We hope every citizen can get their rebate and no one slips through the cracks.”

The Ministry of Digital Affairs says it is trying to come up with ideas for distribution channels for disadvantaged or special groups that don't require registration. The Ministry of Finance says it is trying to get banks to modify their ATM systems so that the rebate can be collected at around 80 percent of ATMs.









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