
Broken AED at Police Station Causes Public Ire 春節墾丁1攤商須急救 派出所AED竟故障

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Kenting saw many tourists during the Lunar New Year vacation. On Jan. 26, a stallkeeper suffered a heart attack on Kenting Street. Passers-by ran to a nearby police station to grab the AED installed outside to help the stallkeeper, only to find that it was not working. Luckily, the stallkeeper survived after CPR was performed.

Paramedics arrive at the scene, and people lead them to a stallkeeper who had a heart attack. Passers-by had tried to save the stallkeeper's life by running to a nearby police station to grab the AED installed outside, only to find that it wasn't working.

This incident occurred on Jan. 26. A stallkeeper selling cocktails was found to be not breathing and had no pulse. Witnesses sought help from the local police station but in the end, they managed to save the stallkeeper's life by performing CPR.

Neighboring Shop Proprietor: “It's ridiculous! They need to maintain it and also make sure there are more installed around large-scale public areas.”

The stallkeeper was taken to a hospital. The police said the AED was a donation from the manufacturer and is not considered to be the police station's property. They have posted a sign saying it's not working.

Chen Hsien-feng, Captain, 4th Corps, Hengchun Precinct: “It was donated by a private company, but the company did not provide funds for related care and maintenance. That's why it wasn't working after so many years.”

Yang Chia-chun, Chairperson, Taiwan AED Education Association: “It was no longer maintained by the manufacturer, but the place where it was installed didn't remove it. It even remained registered on the list we maintain with the Ministry of Health and Welfare. That's the most dangerous part.”

The Taiwan AED Education Association said the warranty for AEDs is typically five years, and they will malfunction after five years if not maintained regularly. It said that if manufacturers don't have the money to maintain them, they can remove them or post a malfunction indication once the warranty period passes. The Kenting National Park Headquarters said there are AEDs installed by the government at either end of Kenting Street. People can also access the Ministry of Health and Welfare's map of AED locations to find out where they are.










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