
Changes to Private Childcare Subsidies in Taipei? 柯文哲調高私幼補助沒編預算 蔣萬安買單?

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Former Taipei Mayor Ko Wen-je, announced that he would increase subsidies for children's day centers before leaving office, which was expected to start after the Lunar New Year. However, it is now reported that it was not budgeted and the new city government team may have to foot the bill. 

As the Lunar New Year is approaching, Taipei Mayor Chiang Wan-an inspected the public space renovation of the city hall and interacted cordially with the workers. However, the media's attention was focused on the increase of subsidies for children's private care, which may not take place. 

Chiang Wan-an, Taipei Mayor: “We are actively coordinating with the central government. We will implement relevant subsidy matters as soon as possible. So parents and citizens please rest assured. (Will you use the method of supplementary budget?) We are still planning it and it will be implemented as soon as possible. ”

Former mayor Ko Wen-je announced before leaving office that he would increase the subsidy for children's private care from NT$13,660 to NT$25,880. Chiang also mentioned raising the subsidy during the election campaign. Now the school semester is almost here, but the budget has not yet been settled.

Wu Pei-i, Taipei City Councilor: “Mayor Chiang took office for one and a half months and his first accomplishment is skipping on increasing the subsidy for children's private care. We are quite skeptical about why the same policy cannot be implemented under Mayor Chiang. He's still dragging on the matter and blaming the central government. ”

Chen Chih-han, Ko Wen-je's Assistant: “The 2023 Annual Budget was already submitted for approval in 2022. The Education Department originally planned to use the supplementary budget as a consideration for funding this. So there's no so-called no budgeting. ”

Chen Su-hui, Deputy Director, Taipei Education Dept.: “The central government has fiscal discipline issues. So it doesn't want counties and cities to increase tuition subsidies for private childcare centers. If Taipei City increases subsidies for private childcare centers, subsidies from the central government to local preschool education will be reduced. We are still actively coordinating with the central government.”

The Education Department stated that the operating costs of private childcare centers in Taipei are higher than in other counties and cities. Tuition and miscellaneous fees are also relatively high. Therefore, they hope to increase the subsidy for private childcare centers. They need to negotiate with the central government because it involves financial discipline. If the central government agrees, the plan will be submitted to the city council in the form of additional and subtractive budgets. 









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