
Atomic Energy Minister Sacked for Sexual Harassment 原能會主委謝曉星涉性騷遭免職 移送調查

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The Executive Yuan released the results of its investigation of Atomic Energy Minister Hsieh Shou-shing for the sexual harassment of subordinates on Jan. 11.  Premier Su Tseng-chang said Hsieh will be dismissed and the case will be sent to the Control Yuan.

In October 2022, Atomic Energy Minister Hsieh Shou-shing was accused of sexually harassing and bullying female subordinates. Numerous legislators issued a joint declaration asking for Hsieh to be relieved of his duties and accept an investigation. The Executive Yuan formed a task force and spoke with 15 Atomic Energy Council employees and Hsieh. On Jan. 11, it released the results of its investigation, which said the charges against Hsieh are serious. Premier Su Tseng-chang said Hsieh's inappropriate behavior damaged the reputation of the government and he will be dismissed shortly and his case will be sent to the Control Yuan for investigation. Hsieh tendered his resignation after learning of the investigation results.

Wang Chung-te, Chief Secretary, Atomic Energy Council: “The Executive Yuan verbally summed it up for him. He then verbally resigned to not create trouble for the Executive Yuan's senior officials and the administration in power. He sent over his resignation this morning.”

The task force found that Hsieh treated subordinates differently based on gender. He was also too physical with some female subordinates. He would touch their bodies and make comments about their bodies and makeup.

Claire Wang, Legislator (NPP): “I feel that someone in politics, especially the head of an agency, should be more careful. From the media reports we saw, we can see from Hsieh Shou-shing's behavior that his understanding of gender equality is very weak.”

Lin Ching-yi, Legislator (DPP): “He only left after we all got together and demanded that he be suspended from his duties and accept an investigation. Now the results of the investigation are out. I think it needs to be completed as quickly as possible.”

Two Control Yuan members applied for an investigation after the case broke out to determine if he used his position to sexually harass or bully his female subordinates.

Yeh Ta-hua, Member, Control Yuan: “We started an investigation into this case on Oct. 5 (2022). We knew that the Executive Yuan was also investigating. The results are now out and we will use them as a reference.”

The AEC said it will strengthen awareness of the prevention of sexual harassment and review how it investigates and handles sexual harassment complaints. It will also prioritize gender equality education and training and raise awareness of rejecting sexual harassment using cases.











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