TAIEX Rises on Last Trading Day of the Year 台股2022封關日跳空開高 一度突破14200點
The TAIEX moved marginally up and closed at 14,137.69 points on its last trading day of 2022. That translates into the index's second worst annual drop of more than 4,000 points compared to the beginning of the year and an average loss of more than NT$ 1 million for stock investors.
U.S. stocks finished up on Thursday, pushing Taiwanese stocks to rise 98 points on the last trading day of the year. The rising TAIEX Index was driven by semiconductors, electronics, and shipping stocks. The highest intraday rise was 163 points, as the TAIEX reached 14,248 points. TSMC also rebounded, rising NT$10.5, an increase of more than 2 percent.
Wang Jung-hsu, CEO, Marbo Investment Advisors: “Technology stocks have fallen quite deeply in this wave. TSMC led the technology stock rebound today. But, transaction volume has relatively shrunk. There will be three consecutive days of vacation. Therefore, in the case of shrinking volume, even if the index rises, the magnitude will not be too large.”
Looking back at this year's Taipei stock market, after hitting a historical high of 18,619.6 points on Jan. 5, the TAIEX has fallen continuously, slumping more than 22 percent for the year. Foreign investors have also retreated from Taiwan due to rising inflationary pressure and violent interest rate hikes. They have sold more than NT$1.2 trillion in stocks for 2022, a new record high.
Wu Ta-jen, Executive Director, Research Center for Taiwan Economic Development: “Many central banks tightened the money supply since the beginning of this year, because of rising inflation. It is not easy for Taiwan stocks to rise if there's no investor support. Plus, in November, a decline in export orders exceeded 20 percent. The proportion of Taiwan's manufacturing industry to GDP is still quite high. So if export orders are not ideal for these manufacturing industries, it will affect their earnings. These fundamental problems are all reflected in the stock market.”
Investors are concerned about the government's two major protection measures, including the National Financial Stabilization Fund, and the ability to conditionally ban short-selling of stocks that fell by more than 3.5 percent the previous day. Both measures will remain in the market for the time being. The New Taiwan Dollar rose along with other Asian currencies such as the RMB. It rose above the NT$30.7 barrier to the U.S. dollar exchange rate, reaching a maximum of NT$30.65, an appreciation of 8.2 cents, a new two-week high.
週四美股全面收紅,激勵台股封關日盤面一片紅通通,開盤上漲98點,在半導體、電子及航運等類股的帶動下,指數持續向上,盤中最高上漲163點,來到14248點,護國神山台積電也跌深反彈,早上漲 10.5元,漲幅超過 2%。