
Scooters, Bikes Can Use Zhongxiao W. Road at Night 今起夜間11點-清晨6點 忠孝西路開放機慢車

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Starting at 11 p.m. on Dec. 14, scooters and bicycles will be allowed to use the outer two lanes of Taipei's Zhongxiao West Road from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. Civic group "Taiwan Motorcycle" was dissatisfied with this new regulation.

Workers from the Taipei City Traffic Engineering Office change traffic signs at the intersection. This is because a new regulation allowing scooters and bicycles to travel along Zhongxiao West Road was to take effect at 11 p.m. on Dec. 14, and so signs had to be removed or updated. Under the new regulation, scooters and bicycles will be able to use the road from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. daily. This probably won't be of much use to commuters and students.

Scooter Driver: “It appears it won't help us scooter riders any. (Do you feel inconvenienced every time you're around here?) Yes, it's very inconvenient.”

Scooter Driver: “It's better to be allowed to use it than not. (When you get here, you have to make a detour.) Yes, you have to take a long way, whether you go towards the right or the left, and there are more traffic lights.”

Zhongxiao West Road runs in front of Taipei Main Station. Scooters have been banned on the road for 44 years. The office said it chose to open the road to scooters and bikes during nighttime hours after consulting information on the number of buses that travel along the road at all hours and considering scooter driving safety and lane crossing. There are fewer buses and vehicles during this time period. Further observation is needed before any adjustments can be made.

Chen Shih-yun, Planning Director, Taipei City Traffic Engineering Office: “Civic groups suggested opening the road during another time slot. We'll wait and see how this goes and observe the use of the road before follow-up assessments.”

Civic group "Taiwan Motorcycle" complained that the time period shows a complete lack of good faith and cannot be accepted. It called on members to come out and express their discontent on Zhongxiao West Road on Dec. 14. It also demanded Mayor-elect Chiang Wan-an conduct a comprehensive review of Taipei's transportation policies involving bans on scooters and motorcycles.









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