
Yunlin County Magistrate Candidates Canvass 雲林縣長選戰衝刺 藍綠徒步掃街爭支持

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With the clock ticking, the DPP's Yunlin County magistrate candidate Liu Chien-kuo and his opponent, the incumbent Chang Li-shan, spent the morning of the 23rd canvassing at markets. 

On the 23rd, the DPP's Yunlin County magistrate candidate Liu Chien-kuo canvassed at Shuilin, Kouhu and Niuxu markets, hoping to gain support from citizens.

Liu Chien-kuo, Yunlin County Magistrate Candidate (DPP):"In the market, we all started from zero. So, I'm telling all my market people and shoppers too that they can get up close and personal with me. I also got so much encouragement. We are prepared to fight for Yunlin."

Liu is running against the incumbent candidate, the KMT's Chang Li-shan. Chang spent the morning at Douliu Market, where she greeted supporters. She hopes voters will look at her record from the past four years and vote her back into office.

Chang Li-shan, Yunlin County Magistrate Candidate (KMT):"So, I hope that over the course of four years I made my mark. I did everything I possibly could. I hope county residents will challenge me and inspect me at the end of my campaign. If they think I've done well, I hope they will support me with their votes."

Both the pan-blue and pan-green camps are fighting for every last vote in the last few days before the election. On the 22nd, the Yunlin District Prosecutors Office indicted nine people for election bribery and two for election betting.




民進黨雲林縣縣長候選人 劉建國表示:「尤其是市場,我們都是從基層上來的,所以跟我們市場鄉親,還有來購物的民眾,都可以直接做密集的接觸,也聽到很多人對我們的鼓勵,讓我們有這機會能準備好,為雲林打拚做事。」


國民黨雲林縣縣長候選人 張麗善表示:「所以我希望我用這四年時間,腳踏實地一步一腳印,完全付出。我希望鄉親到最後這選舉,能夠給我考驗,能夠給我檢核,如果我做得還不錯,我是希望鄉親給我支持,投一個認同票。」


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