
MODA Set to Accept Applications for LEO Satellites 數位部最快11月 開放低軌衛星執照申請

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The Ukraine-Russia war has cast a spotlight on low-earth orbit communications satellites. The Ministry of Digital Affairs recently announced that it will start accepting spectrum license applications for LEO satellites in November.

Niu Hsin-jen, Director, Dept. of Resource Management, MODA: “Companies with Chinese investments are not allowed to apply.”

The Ministry of Digital Affairs recently announced that it will start accepting spectrum license applications for low-earth orbit communications satellites in November, but companies with Chinese investment or with 49 percent or more shares held by foreign investors are banned from applying. This is the first time that Taiwan will be accepting applications.

Lee Kun-tse, Legislator (DPP): “What I'm more concerned about are information capture and signal forgery. ”
Audrey Tang, Digital Affairs Minister: “The most important part of this is the defense provided by the encryption system. That's of course important. We have to identify those weak points that may not be very serious but may become breaches before others find them.”

Chen Su-yueh, Legislator (DPP): “What's our current progress in setting up low-earth orbit satellites?”
Audrey Tang, Digital Affairs Minister: “We're strengthening the capacity of our existing, comparatively limited synchronous satellites. There is already cooperation in medium-earth orbit satellites under the supervision of the NDC. We're spending NT$550 million on expanding this to about 700 points.”

Digital Affairs Minister Audrey Tang attended a legislative interpellation on Oct. 27. The Ministry of Digital Affairs has spent nearly NT$70 million in rent over one year. It is also hiring personnel.

Chen Jiau-hua, Legislator (NPP): “With regards to information security, you all are hiring people from a very small group and you have laymen leading professionals. ”
Audrey Tang, Digital Affairs Minister: “That's why we very much welcome legislators and everyone else to recommend professional personnel. The work of the National Institute of Cyber Security is to complete the R&D of tools that will be used within about four years' time. So we and the TWISC don't currently have the kind of connection that the legislator spoke about, to my knowledge.”

Hung Meng-kai, Legislator (KMT): “Does the newly-established Ministry of Digital Affairs really need to be located in such an elite area, for such an astronomical rent? Now, you all are talking about promoting remote working. Aren't there multiple contradictions here? ”
Audrey Tang, Digital Affairs Minister: “The Yanping Office isn't big enough, so everyone at our Administration for Cyber Security is still at the original office of the Executive Yuan's National Center for Cyber Security Technology.”

Tang said the Ministry of Finance made plans to set up a long-term office at Huaguang Special District. It will use Shin Kong Life Tower as an interim office. The ministry currently employs 598 people and will have a maximum of 976. It will find another location if it becomes fully staffed or its office is no longer suitable.
















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