Lawmakers Question NPM How to Attract Visitors 解封後故宮觀光 立委質疑變旅遊附帶品
During a legislative interpellation, National Palace Museum Director Wu Mi-cha said the museum will work with the tourism industry to come up with ways to boost gift shop sales once border controls are lifted.
Taiwan will be lifting border controls soon, and lawmakers want to know what the National Palace Museum is doing to attract visitors. They also want to know why the museum's southern branch has been promoting National Day fireworks and water shows instead of exhibitions.
Lin Yi-hua, Legislator (KMT): “The National Palace Museum is a world-class museum that no longer has an identity. You should be using content to draw foreign visitors. ”
Wu Mi-cha, National Palace Museum Director: “We have major exhibitions in October -- in the fourth quarter, and we announce information on next year's exhibitions at the end of this year.”
Lawmakers want to know what the museum is doing to attract visitors, and whether there are potential tie-ins with art and culture events. Museum Director Wu Mi-cha says it all depends on whether incoming travelers are business travelers or tourists, and which countries they're coming from.
Fan Yun, Legislator (DPP): “So, you should be doing what other countries are doing and developing collective art and culture packages.”
Wu Mi-cha, National Palace Museum Director: “We can consider that. We can consider incorporating performance venues in Greater Taipei. We will hold discussions with the Ministry of Culture to see how we can work together.”
Wu says her focus is on the museum and the museum will attract visitors with peripheral travel itineraries, multi-destination itineraries, multi-museum passes, tourist passes and tour packages down the line. Wu also said NPM artifacts will not be exhibited in the Czech Republic until it legislates "immunity from seizure under the judicial process of cultural objects imported for temporary exhibition or display" laws to ensure items will return to Taiwan safely.