Registration for Yilan County Magistrate Election Opens 林姿妙.江聰淵 皆今日登記參選宜縣長
Yilan County Magistrate Lin Zi-miao registered at the Yilan County Council at 9 a.m. on the 1st to run for the county's magistrate, while DPP candidate Chiang Tsung-yuan registered at 10 a.m. Police was present to maintain order between the two opposing groups of supporters.
Huang Cheng-ting, Yilan County Councilor (KMT): “Don't provoke any conflict. We won't provoke anyone. But we also do not accept the provocation of others. ”
KMT lawmakers appealed to supporters to be rational. The police surrounded a wall of people and stood guard because Yilan County Magistrate Lin Zi-miao and her DPP opponent Chiang Tsung-yuan both registered for the election on the 1st. They registered within one hour apart from each other. Fortunately, there was no conflict, but the two sides still shouted at each other. The DPP slammed Lin for her corruption case, while the KMT called it judicial persecution.
Chen Chin-te, Former Interim Yilan County Magistrate: “Her daughter intervened in the county government to reduce their relatives' NT$1.12 million government tax and to let their relatives earn NT$3 billion.”
Justin Huang, KMT Secretary-General: “Prosecutors become the ruling party's tool for suppressing dissidents.”
Lin's campaign activities attracted a lot of people. Her children are also being investigated by prosecutors for corruption and fraud. They were also present to assist with activities.
Lin Zi-miao, Yilan County Magistrate: “They are simple people who work hard. Because their father is gone, they are bravely doing the right thing.”
Chiang Tsung-yuan, DPP Yilan County Magistrate Candidate: “I will not let my family get involved with the government. And I will not let corruption incompetence become Yilan's shame.”
Chiang registered in the company of fellow legislators Chen Ou-po, Chen Chin-te, and others. He shouted slogans about changing the county magistrate by removing Lin and corruption. He again promised he will not let Yilan lose face due to corruption and incompetence if he became magistrate.
林姿妙表示:「簡單做人認真做事都實實在在,因為爸爸的不在,所以他們勇敢的 做對的事。」