
80% of Cancer Patients Lose Their Jobs 罹癌職場困境 調查:8成年輕癌友失去工作

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80 percent of cancer patients lose their jobs after being diagnosed, according to a survey by the Taiwan Young Patient Association.

Three years ago, entertainer Tang Ling was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Despite surgery and chemotherapy, her cancer is now in the fourth stage. She says she has not been able to get acting jobs since her diagnosis.

Tang Ling, Entertainer: “I've attended some events between chemotherapy rounds, but I have not had a single offer for an acting job since I got sick.”

According to a Taiwan Young Patient Association survey of cancer patients between the ages of 25 and 50, 80 percent of cancer patients lose their jobs because the majority of employers don't want to employ cancer patients or survivors. Most of them earn less than NT$500,000 a year. In addition, 45 percent can't find suitable jobs for their physical condition and 80 percent see a decline of NT$5,000-20,000 in their monthly income.

Pan I-ling, Chair, Taiwan Young Patient Association: “Most (cancer patients) lose their full-time jobs and can only find part-time jobs. Many have to become freelancers or find work-at-home jobs.”

Close to 470,000 people between the ages of 20 and 64 were treated for cancer in 2020. Civic groups say many of these people are primary providers for their families and employers should do their part to ease the financial burdens of cancer patients.









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