Taiwan Takes Out Ad Mourning Abe on Sankei News 台企業.團體聯名 日產經新聞登廣告悼安倍

The shooting targeting Japan's former prime minister Shinzao Abe continues to spark controversy here in Taiwan, with Taiwan's representative to Japan Frank Hsieh being criticized for not attending Mr. Abe's funeral.
The title reads "On behalf of Taiwanese as a whole, we wish to express our respects and gratitude to the late former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe." A full-page advertisement was run on Japan's Sankei News on the 15th, stating that Abe is the most courageous Japanese leader to lead the country towards greatness and a true friend to Taiwan. The Taiwan Friends of Abe Association launched an advertising fundraising campaign, which originally targeted 65 companies. The response exceeded expectations. In the end, 175 Taiwanese companies, groups, and individuals jointly signed the ad, and many anonymous donations were made.
Akio Yaita, Taipei Branch Director, Sankei News: “The response to this ad on the Japanese Internet today is very good. Everyone can feel the Taiwanese warmth and friendship with Japan. I feel like this kind of activity can sustain Abe's influence and policy direction.”
The remaining funds after purchasing the advertisement will be used by the Taiwan Friends of Abe Association to set up a scholarship for Japanese youths studying in Taiwan to foster and continue the friendship between the two countries. Taiwan's Vice President William Lai traveled to Japan to attend Abe's funeral, which was regarded as a diplomatic breakthrough. In an interview with online media, former national policy adviser Chin Mei-ling said that if she hadn't met Lai at the door by chance, no one would've brought him into the venue. She was upset and criticized Taiwan's representative to Japan Frank Hsieh for being absent due to a conflicting schedule.
Tsui Ching-lin, Deputy Spokesperson, Foreign Affairs Ministry: “We will not comment on personal opinions. The reports are not accurate.”
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs refuted media reports. People familiar with the matter pointed out that Hsieh was not invited to the Abe family ceremony and therefore did not attend. Chin's criticism was not in line with the facts. The Japanese government plans to hold a state funeral for Abe in the fall. KMT Chairperson Eric Chu plans to visit Japan in August and attend the state funeral. His decision once again sparked differences of opinion within the KMT.