
Will Hou Run for Reelection? 外界解讀因恩恩案衝擊 侯將先爭取連任

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Asked about his election plans, New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih said his only plan is serving the people. Over in the pan-green camp, Chen Shih-chung's hopes of running for mayor have been dashed with President Tsai Ing-wen reportedly tapping her former deputy, Chen Chien-jen, instead. On July 5, Chen said he never announced he was running and therefore can't withdraw from any race.

Will New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih run for reelection in the year-end local elections or for president in 2024 race? He has yet to say whether either is in his plans.

Hou Yu-ih, New Taipei City Mayor: “I only have one script: to work hard and to do right by the people.”

On the 4th, New Taipei City submitted its investigative report on the Enen case to the Central Epidemic Command Center. The Kuomintang will not be finalizing its candidate list until next month. Over in the pan-green camp, former Vice President Chen Chien-jen is reportedly in play for both Taipei and New Taipei. With President Tsai Ing-wen favoring Chen for Taipei, Chen Shih-chung has been relegated to the backseat.

Chen Shih-chung, Health and Welfare Minister: “I never made any announcement (about running) back then, so I'm not withdrawing now. I'm concentrating on epidemic prevention right now.”

Chiang Wan-an, Taipei City Mayor Candidate (KMT): “Democracies don't have princes. I've run for legislator twice. I know my constituents because I listen to them, and I know what they want and need.”

Chiang Wan-an, meanwhile, says there are no princes in democracies and it is very important to him to listen to the grassroots and plant roots in the community. The Democratic Progressive Party will hold an election strategy meeting on the 5th. According to reports, the DPP will nominate Presidential Office spokesperson Kolas Yotaka in Hualien and lawmaker Liu Chao-hao in Taitung.








國民黨台北市長參選人蔣萬安則說,「現在民主時代,也沒有什麼王子,其實我選過兩次立委,我們都非常的貼近基層,了解民眾的心聲。」積極備戰選舉,蔣萬安駁黨內基層譏諷「天龍國王子」一說,強調會勤走基層努力耕耘。而民進黨預計5日再次召開選對會,可望建議徵召總統府發言人Kolas Yotaka、立委劉櫂豪分別出戰花東,下一波不排除展開雙北市長布局。

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