
Monkeypox Is Fatal in 3-6% of Cases 醫揭猴痘「三大危險因子」 死亡率3%至6%

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According to WHO statistics, over 4,000 monkeypox cases have been reported worldwide so far, including Taiwan. One doctor says the three main risk factors for monkeypox are unsafe sex, contact with an infected person, and traveling to affected areas.

Taiwan confirmed its first imported case of monkeypox on June 24. One doctor says monkeypox symptoms include boils or rashes all over the body one to three days after a fever. Monkeypox is mainly transmitted through the respiratory tract and mucus membranes. Clinical studies have identified three main risk factors, including unsafe sex, contact with an infected person, and traveling to affected areas. Monkeypox is fatal in 3-6 percent of patients.

Lee Chien-chang, Emergency Medicine Doctor, NTU Hospital: “In the later stages, monkeypox can cause pneumonia or meningitis or even neurological or eye infections. Severe symptoms often lead to death.”

Doctors say monkeypox and smallpox are both rare diseases that spread from animals to humans or vice versa. The smallpox vaccine can help protect against monkeypox, but smallpox vaccines are no longer produced as it was eradicated in 1980. Taiwan stopped administering smallpox vaccines in 1979, which means some people over 43 may be vaccinated. However, the antibody level after all this time is unknown.

Huang Li-min, Honorary Chair, Infectious Diseases Society of Taiwan: “The first thing is increasing vigilance if you've been exposed. If you see even one or two blisters, you should see a doctor.”

According to World Health Organization statistics, over 4,000 monkeypox cases have been reported worldwide so far. Taiwan's Centers for Disease Control says monkeypox is not as infectious as COVID-19 and most people that get had close or intimate contact with an infected person. Taiwan is looking into purchasing third-generation smallpox vaccines and antiviral drugs, but is not recommending mass smallpox vaccination at this time.









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