Drunk Driver Causes Accident in Yilan County 酒駕累犯女撞貨車 欲逃離現場攤商喝斥
A DUI incident happend in Yilan on June 22. The car first hit a truck, flew up and flipped over to the side of the road. One passerby was harmed and sustained head injuiries.The driver had a blood alcohol content of 0.83 percent, and this wasn't her first time driving under the influence of alcohol.
A woman surnamed Huang had just purchased some fruit and was walking next to a curb. Suddenly, a white car appeared, first hitting a parked pickup truck, then flying up and flipping over. Huang fell to the ground. Fortunately, she only sustained a bruise on her head and her life is not in danger. This incident occurred at 4:11 p.m. on June 22 at the intersection of Sanxing Road Section 1 and Kelin 5th Road in Yilan's Sanxing Township. The person that caused the accident was a 25-year-old woman surnamed Yang who was driving under the influence. Her blood alcohol concentration measured 0.83 percent and she is being investigated for public endangerment.
Li Hsien-chang, Deputy Precinct Chief, Luodong Precinct: “The driver surnamed Yang took a breathalyzer test, and her blood alcohol concentration exceeded the legal limit.”
Eyewitness: “Her head was like this, and she was lying on the ground like this.”
A witness said Yang was completely unaware that she had hit someone, and she was getting her bag and preparing to leave on foot. Luckily, a nearby fruit vendor started berating her, causing her to stay at the scene.
Fruit Vendor: “She didn't know that she had hit someone. She opened her car door, got her bag, and was about to walk away.”
A police investigation found that this was not Yang's first DUI incident. She is unemployed and has previous convictions for public endangerment. She confessed that she drank alcohol and ate at a friend's house on June 22, and claimed that she got behind the wheel to return the car to another friend she borrowed it from.