
Long Queue Waiting to Buy Rapid Test Kits on the 2nd Day 快篩實名制2日健保系統穩定 搶買潮依舊

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Numerous pharmacies said their stocks of rapid test kits were sold out in ten minutes on the second day of the real-name purchase rationing system. They worry that they will have nothing to sell over the upcoming holiday weekend. 

There was a long queue waiting outside of the community pharmacy before nine o'clock in the morning. People with odd numbers as the last digit on their ID cards can buy quick screening tests.

Ms. Huang, Citizen: “Be prepared. Just in case I develop a cough I can screen it.”

Mr. Lin, Citizen: “I happened to be free today, so I just came to line up. If I happen to get one after lining up, then I'll buy it.”

Unexpectedly, seventy-eight quick screening tests were sold out in just 10 minutes.

Mr. Chou, Citizen: “There should be 12 pharmacies here. But I went to see and some were not open. Some don't open until 1 p.m. So I can only wait until 1 p.m. and come back in line.”

This is the second day since the real-name-based rapid test rationing system launched. Purchases are divided according to the last digit of the ID card. Odd numbers can purchase on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Even numbers can purchase on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Anyone can purchase them on Sundays. Each health insurance card can only purchase one set, which comes with five quick screening tests. The price is NT$500. Every citizen with one NHI card only can buy the kits once. Some pharmacists are worried that the quick screening tests are not like masks, which were replenished with stock every day. Office workers who can only buy them on the weekends may not be able to find any for sale.

Huang Yen-ju, Spokesperson, Federation of Taiwan Pharmacists Associations: “The number of quick screening tests is basically not enough to sell. But we are faced with no available tests for the sale starting tomorrow. The CECC's original plan was no new deliveries on Sundays.”

The Federation of Taiwan Pharmacists Associations said that more than 2,700 pharmacies have reported that there are no tests available for sale on the weekend of the 30th. The central government pointed out that it has prepared 50 million rapid screening tests, to serve an equivalent of 10 million people. However, epidemic hotspots such as Taipei and New Taipei did not see an increase in quick screening tests. The Federation called on the central government to adjust the number of tests distributed. 












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