
31 People Tested Positive in Yilan Detention Center Cluster 晶園婚宴鏈燒進宜蘭收容所 累積31人確診

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A cluster infection has broken out at a detention center in Yilan after a security guard working at the facility tested positve. The total number of confirmed cases has risen to 31.

A security guard is at the center of a cluster infection at a Yilan Detention Center. A total of 31 people at the facility have tested positive since the 14th, including 14 staff, 15 residents and two staff family members. The Public Health Bureau recently tested everyone at the center.

Hsu Chiu-chun, Deputy Director, Public Health Bureau, Yilan County: “We currently have 31 patients from various transmission chains at central detention facilities. We went medical teams to all the facilities today to test the patients and facility staff.”

According to the bureau, the security guard was infected at a wedding banquet and the virus is spreading rapidly at his workplace. Five inmates at the Taipei Detention Center, meanwhile, have also tested positive while in quarantine. The center says all five were negative when they arrived at the center. One of the five had a positive PCR test after starting to feel unwell. 

Hsu Chin-biao, Deputy Director, Agency of Corrections: “We sent five positive cases to the hospital yesterday. We were notified last night that one of them tested positive on a PCR test. The results of the others have not yet come back.”

The Agency of Corrections says the five inmates were immediately taken to a designated hospital to keep the outbreak from spreading. The center has implemented flow controls and disinfected the premises and asked all inmates and staff to perform self-health management. Anyone that develops symptoms will be taken to a hospital to be tested.









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