Unprecedented "No Resolution" at Electricity Price Review Committee 電價審議委員會:沒有決議 電價暫不調漲

The electricity price review committee met on March 29 and discussed whether the price should be increased in April. The result was an unprecedented "no resolution." Economic Affairs Minister Wang Mei-hua said a decision will be made in two to three months' time.
Yang Chiung-ying, Legislator (KMT): “The committee met yesterday but made no decisions. Russia's invasion of Ukraine led to losses of NT$65 billion for CPC Corporation. That number should be over NT$70 billion by now.”
On March 29, the electricity price review committee failed to make a decision on whether the price should be increased in April. This means that Taiwan Power Company and CPC Corporation's losses are expected to increase. Kuomintang legislators questioned why the Ministry of Economic Affairs was unable to reach a decision but added that the government needs to ensure people's livelihoods and there shouldn't be an increase. Economic Affairs Minister Wang Mei-hua said the non-decision was primarily due to the variable of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, which caused international fuel prices to fluctuate.
Wang Mei-hua, Economic Affairs Minister: “It's related to the Russia-Ukraine war, as (fuel prices) fluctuated greatly. In just one month's time, they fluctuated by over 50 percent. A decision will be made in the next two to three months.”
No decision will be made for several more months. The non-decision is expected to exacerbate Taipower and CPC Corporation's deficits. The latter posted losses of NT$43.4 billion, and its cumulative loss up to February 2022 is nearly NT$60 billion. A Taipower financial report for January indicated it has already lost NT$5.9 billion and its estimated cumulative loss for this year is over NT$60 billion. Both state-run companies were unwilling to comment on the electricity price non-decision despite their widening financial black holes.
Chang Ray-chung, Spokesperson, CPC Corporation: “Oil and gas prices are fluctuating greatly because of the Russia-Ukraine war, and CPC Corporation is making a comprehensive evaluation. (What's the estimated loss for March?) We don't have updated information yet.”
Chang Ting-shu, Spokesperson, Taiwan Power Company: “Taiwan Power Company will faithfully report our costs, and this information will be sent to the electricity price review committee for deliberation.”
People thought that the electricity price would first be raised for heavy industrial users in April. There are reports that the opposition of industry representatives was what led to the non-decision. The Chinese National Federation of Industries said it's not the one making the decision, and it can only state facts and express the opinions of industries.
Sam Ho, Exec. Director, Chinese National Federation of Industries: “The deficits won't be made up even if the (electricity) price is raised for all industries.”
The CNFI said there is also heavy pressure from commodity prices and the conditions to raise electricity prices haven't been met. However, there are also people who think that any adjustment plan needs to be settled in advance so that preparations can be made.
經濟部長王美花表示: 「俄烏戰爭的關係,(燃料價格)波動的非常厲害,往往在1個月之內,波動就上下起伏超過50%,未來的2、3個月之內,就會再去做決定。」
國民黨立委楊瓊瓔表示: 「昨天是議而不決,因為烏俄大戰(估中油虧)650億,現在應該超過700億了。」
中油發言人張瑞宗指出: 「整個油氣的價格的波動,因為俄烏之戰影響很大,中油公司在做整體的檢討評估,(3月預估虧損多少)沒有更新的數字。」
台電發言人張庭抒說: 「台電公司會忠實反映我們的成本,最後還是要送到電價審議會來做審議。」
工總常務理事何語表示: 「不能全部工業漲(電)價,工業漲(電)價,你還是無法彌補你的虧損。」