
Lawmakers Concerned for Firefighter Safety 火災頻傳釀傷亡 徐國勇:將加強消防能量

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The fire at Carrefour's logistics center was the third plant fire in Taoyuan in less than a week, and took place just one week after the Taichung fire that took six lives. During a legislative interpellation, Interior Minister Hsu Kuo-yung said fire prevention capabilities would be strengthened in the future.

Six people were killed and six injured in the Xingzhong Street fire in Taichung on March 6. Three fires have been reported in Taoyuan this past week, including one at Everlight Chemical's plant in Guanyin and one at a Mayfull warehouse in Luzhu on the 10th, and one at Carrefour's logistics center on the 14th. The fires have brought firefighter safety and firefighter rights to the forefront. 

Lai Hsiang-lin, Legislator (TPP): “Firefighters need to have access to geospatial and geographic data at their fingertips.”
Hsu Kuo-yung, Interior Minister: “Yes. What you're saying makes sense. We have the director-general of the National Fire Agency here and he heard you. We will notify all fire departments and relevant agencies in writing immediately about consolidating geospatial and geographic data.”

There are only four fire stations capable of dealing with chemical fires north of Hsinchu. Lai Hsiang-lin says this number needs to go up. In response, Hsu Kuo-yung says he will hold discussions with local governments and the Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau.

Lai Hsiang-lin, Legislator (TPP): “So, I think you have to be more proactive about this on your end. (You need to think about) if more units are needed. ”
Hsu Kuo-yung, Interior Minister: “yes, yes. We will discuss it with the Toxic and Chemical Substances Bureau.”

Hsu also said on-site fire prevention training at factories would be strengthened so that frontline workers know how to use available firefighting equipment to extinguish fires or keep them in check until firefighters arrive.











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