
Honduran President Tests Positive for COVID-19 宏國總統確診 賴清德快篩陰性健康良好

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Honduran President Xiomara Castro has tested positive for COVID-19. She has mild symptoms and is in isolation. She was in close contact with Vice President William Lai just 10 days earlier during her presidential inauguration. Lai's latest rapid test is negative.

Xiomara Castro was sworn in as president of Honduras at the end of January in front of US Vice President Kamala Harris and Taiwan Vice President William Lai. Lai shook hands and met with Castro. On Feb. 6, Castro announced she tested positive for COVID-19, has mild symptoms, and is in quarantine. The Presidential Office said the rapid test Lai took on the morning of Feb. 7 came back negative and he is in good health.

Kolas Yotaka, Spokesperson, Presidential Office:"I've taken rapid tests when I'm supposed to, and all the results are negative. At present, I am doing well. I also want to share with everyone that during our time in Honduras, we double masked whenever we went out, and the inside one was an N95. I haven't heard of anyone from the delegation with health issues. I also inquired about the vice president, and he is in good health."

Presidential Office spokesperson Kolas Yotaka was a member of the delegation to Honduras. She said disease prevention measures were strictly observed during the entire trip. All tests taken before returning to Taiwan were negative, as were two rapid tests taken during the quarantine period.

Voice of Joanne Ou, Spokesperson, Ministry of Foreign Affairs:"Everyone in the delegation will take another PCR test one day before the end of quarantine. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will continue to monitor the health of everyone in the delegation."

President Tsai Ing-wen has asked Foreign Affairs Minister Joseph Wu and the ambassador to Honduras to express her well wishes to Castro. Belizean Prime Minister Johnny Briceno tested positive on Feb. 3 after meeting with Lai in Honduras. The Presidential Office also wished him a speedy recovery. 




總統府發言人 Kolas Yotaka表示:「依照規定,需要快篩的時間,快篩也都是陰性的,所以我目前其實是很好的。也跟大家分享,我們在宏都拉斯的時候,外出都戴兩層口罩,而且內層是N95。個人也沒有聽見有任何的團員或是隨員,有身體的異常。我也主動的關切副總統,他也一切正常健康。」


外交部發言人 歐江安表示:「全團人員,也會在結束隔離前一天,再次進行PCR的採檢。外交部,我們會持續的來密切注意,全團人員的健康狀況。」



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