
Miaoli Residents Protest Against Waste Burial Site 反坤輿自救會赴廉政署 檢舉苗縣府瀆職

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Representatives from the Save Zaoqiao Association filed a complaint with the Agency Against Corruption, accusing the Miaoli County Government of helping Pacific Ecology Co. to operate an illegal waste burial site.

On the 17th, representatives from the Save Zaoqiao Association and numerous environmental groups demonstrated against the Miaoli County Government and Pacific Ecology Co. at the Agency Against Corruption. The groups say Miaoli County is turning a blind eye to legal violations because it is profiting from the company's illegal waste burial site.

Chen Ching-hsin, President, Save Zaoqiao Association: “Pacific Ecology did not include the access route or its office in its business plan to circumvent the 2-hectare environmental impact assessment regulation. The Miaoli County Government turned a blind eye to this.”

Ku Yu-chih, Representative, Zaoqiao Township Council: “They applied to operate this waste burial site in violation of farmland zoning, development area and water source regulations.”

Lawmaker Chen Jiau-hua says the company intentionally omitted the access road from its development area calculation because an environmental impact assessment and Ministry of the Interior approval is required for projects over 2 hectares. In addition, a spate of land inspections and regulations would also apply and a second access road would be required. As Pacific Ecology only has one 6-meter access road, it does not meet operational requirements.

Tsai Cheng-hsun, Secretary General, Miaoli County Environmental Protection Bureau: “Certain aspects required approval first to go forward to the next phase of applications. Without this approval, they can't operate this site. We are still investigating. This is what the self-help association wants. The Control Yuan and Judicial Yuan have already intervened. We will respect the findings of the investigation.”

The association also filed a complaint with the Taipei District Prosecutors Office against Pacific Ecology for falsifying documents. The Miaoli County Environmental Protection Bureau says it respects the opinions of the association and will wait for the results of the investigation. Residents say they will not give up their fight to stop the waste burial site from commencing operations.










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